Real de la Almadraba

El Rompido

Located in the 'Paraje Natural Marismas del Río Piedras and Flecha del Rompido', the 'Real de la Almadraba' remained active from 1929 to 1963. This ancient complex of buildings was a town that came to house some 900 people, trappers and their families, dedicated to the capture of tuna or activities related to the exploitation of the trap.


Territory Organization:



- Casa del Capitán, characterized by its square tower.

- Housing and office of the land manager.


Work and Storage Area:

- Embarcadero.

- Diesel fuel booth.

- Boilers and chimney.

- Alquitranadero.

- Warehouses.

- Drainer.

- Esplanade between the Captain's house and the diesel booth, where maintenance and repair of nets and equipment were carried out.


Housing and Services Area:

- Residential area, where the houses were located, composed of eleven barracks of which nine are conserved.

- Area of ​​basic services: barbershop, artisan workshops, first aid kit, school among others.


Almadraba as a fishing technique:

The almadraba is an art for tuna fishing used since pre-Roman times. It consists in locating two boats at a certain distance between which a net fastened with a longline in which tuna and other fish species are caught.