

Hotel San Miguel **

30 rooms

Category 2 *

At 60 meters above sea level, in a rural location with a privileged location and an exclusive atmosphere, stands the Hotel San Miguel. Contemplate and enjoy views of the ocean, the countryside and the mountain, with its aromas of sea and wild, on the ground or from its balconies or amazing viewpoints with beautiful views. Where to listen to the song of the birds or the soft murmur of the water sliding down the waterfalls, are some of the pleasures.

Town Hall

It is located in the Plaza Redonda, which is the civic center and representative of the population and whose perimeter is also located the Parish Church St. Peter and the House of Culture.

The primitive building, called "the Capitular Houses", was built in 1555 on the Granary of the Poor, which occupied the place of the current City Council and two adjoining houses on the streets Endrina and Hospital. It still retains the load-bearing walls and the layout of the façade.

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